Out there in the net

Posted: February 16, 2010 in Uncategorized

WEll I am beginning to learn the the ropes of LSDJ my GF told me to right down songs first then figure them out on the GB before actually writing them on the GB. Its a great idea so soon I am going to go pick up some blank sheet music and start writing my music very very soon.
On the subject of technology I got Gameboy Camera and printer for my gameboy and I am going to start taking photos with that very soon. I got it all for 35 bucks including shipping.
Hooray for Ebay cause from there also not only am I looking at Game boy stuff I am picking up some other things as well like for example an old Sony 8 track play/ Radio / Turn table. This is great because it helps me listen to the huge amount of LPs that I have. This connected to my Logitech sound system will rock so much! On top of this nothing much has been going on school is fine health is great. As a final note I want to leave you all with a link go check it out!


I want it soooo bad!!!!!

Long Live and Chiptune!

Big News

Posted: February 2, 2010 in Uncategorized

Today I learned how to use LSDJ a bit reading the manual and such. So far it seems pretty easy and I am learning quickly its just I still don’t get the hexadecimal idea at all. Maybe if I go to the forums and ask maybe one of them can help me out? Hmmm ill go ask tomorrow; mean while my gf and yani went to a CYber goth concert i was tired so i stayed home now i miss my girl and hoping she gets back okay from the village… I hope to see her tomorrow.


Posted: January 28, 2010 in Uncategorized

Classes start tomorrow so this is going to eat into my learning time for LSDJ. I got the manual yesterday, its cool has nice pics and such but its mad long and a bit dry but thus is the price for learning I guess. Well I am heading to bed, I shall let you all know how it turns out while learning also going to Pulse wave this weekend its going to be crazy 1st one since Blip and also going to 8 Static!!! Gotta hang with my friend Enso every now and then to play some mad chill old school games!

Live long and Chiptune!

Learning the ropes

Posted: January 26, 2010 in Uncategorized

Well today I am starting to learn the ropes of LSDJ I am thinking of also downloading on to my external hard drive Logic pro to put on some 8 bit filters and some more retro filters. I wanna go out and buy a speak and spell and also find a record player.

Lastly I have been learning form the preinstalled song tracks on my LSDJ cart and figured out how to do live mode. This is cool but Pretty soon I think I might need to hit up some pawn shops around harlem and Get a DSI flash cart or something to help me run some other software like nitro tracker.

Since I am getting some money soon from the parental units we shall see were this goes. Also got two friends who would say they would do visuals for me Enso that I’ve known since Grade School and the up and coming yet unnamed hero L. L said she would like to learn from Enso so he is willing to teach her.

Last part of the post that I shall say is this its gonna be a hard long road to the top, but as it is said in life we all start at Level 1. Hope to see you all at the pulse wave on Sat if not your missing out kids!

Live long and Chiptune!

Elevator Machine Room

Posted: January 19, 2010 in Uncategorized
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That is my name! EMR for short im gona be chip tuning all the time now as i slowly learn LSDJ and other forms of trackers to make chip tunes.  I have already a gameboy with  a pro-sound mod to it and one LSDJ cart.  So ill post some pics of my Gameboy at the end of this lil rant.  So first of all let me thank all of chipmusic.org for letting me join I hope to be chipping it with the best and the brightest soon!  Secondly this semester gives me some more free time to learn LSDJ and I hope to learn more from other people as well. Lastly I will get parts and I will circuit bend as well that means things will be going crazy in my room and I will list parts for who ever wants to point me in the right direction for a cheap parts that have good quality to them.  So now its time for some pics of my GAMEBOY!!!!!

here it is with me

The silver circle there is the pro-sound mod

This is my LSDJ Cart that I got

This is the back of it cool design no?

This is my GameBoy on with a Back lit Bue screen screen

With matching blue LSDJ Cart as well

Well lets begin shall we?  On Monday i accidentally tripped on my room mates power cord thus bringing his computer a crashing well crash.  Nothing inside the the computer was broken but he did suffer a mouse loss cause of the dongle and i bought him a new one since i felt responsible. Now comes the advice now if you ever suffer from your power cord being bent do not try to fix it your self it is easier to go and get a new one possibly form the company or a electronics store.  Here is the catch with all you HP users and possibly other computers if your laptop is BIGGER then 17 inches you will NOT find the power cord in any store.   This is the issue story behind this.  We went to best buy a respectable company that has the power cords online and such but here is the problem the store it self does not have the cord.  We asked if he knew any other places to get the cord he said no one carries this cord,  i find this hard to believe since there are other respectable electronic store companies out there. So here are my rules to avoid this problem:

So my first rule is do not trust what they say they are trying to get rid of the competition.

Second if you are going to check with a store call in advance to make sure said store has it.

Third plan in advance the trip so its not dark out and confusing.

Follow these simple rules and things will be running smoothly for you when you run into a problem with a computer.

New year, New Promisses

Posted: January 5, 2010 in Uncategorized
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Well I promise to start blogging more this year. Not sure what to blog about but ill keep you all posted, it might be just another tech blog like the others out there, or a music blog or just a blog on cool things to do while in college in the city. Keep ya all posted!!!!

Well that’s a doozy of a title… Anyways it is the start of a new school semester and ya know what that means NEW CLASSES AND HOMEWORK !!!!.  I am actually excited for this and everything but I feel like the school it self is a bit underfunded ( come on NYS do ya work!!!!) I am a bit hyper right now but I need to get this off my chest… There are a lot of really cute girls in my classes lets see if I can well get to know a few right? Well that’s it for this update I will let ya know whats going on later and my reaction to the new Yankee stadium!!!

Well let us start with the continued discussion on fear.  With the biggest fear mongers out there the insurance companies.  Insurance in this country is insane the whole discussion has turned into people yelling over stupid rumors and all while the people making big bucks are sitting back and still making loads of cash off of the people while denying them the care they actually need.  Lets look at it from the view point of a gamer shall we.  The Hero is the new bill for health care reform the Villain are these companies who do not care.  The victims the hero is trying to save is well the people we shall call them the princess. Now the hero has to go through hell and back just to save the people from the evil villain.  The villain is the person paying off these enemies and baddies who attack the hero and make it harder to reach his ultimate goal.  These in the real world are these bussed and planted “concerned citizens” that we see yelling and shouting turning this discussion into a huge tantrum over nothing really.  Well not nothing over millions of americans who do not have money or are being dropped cause the insurance does not want to cover for their surgery or illness because its not in the companies best interest. Other then exploiting us the only other thing the companies gain in this whole debate is even more control over the people on who and when they can spend the money.   The next thing I seem to notice is how people like fixed news is using fear from books like 1984 or calling for a blood revolution by quoting our founding fathers.  These people are the ones i warned in my last major post about fear and using fear to gain control.  These are the people like hitler who used this fear to turn rational people into hateful segregated communities just like in the 60s.
We need to fight this with one weapon the truth and thats it.  The truth is what shall free us from this spin from this corruption and from this fake nation and bring us to a more perfect union of sanity.
Speaking of sanity we have seem to have forgotten one of the basic rights and rules that is separation of church and state.  In the state of Texas they just started MANDATORY religion classes.  The text book they are using is the bible granted that the class is on how the bible changed history but why not include other texts such as the Karma Sutra the Satanic bible and the Qur’an that would be acceptable but just using one text is not allowed the schools amy not push one religion on people.  Now in the constitution it states that government may not pass a law promoting or demoting one religion over another.  This is what they are doing even if it is a state that federal law over rules that state law unless said state wants to leave the union it would just the rest of us more money huh.
Good Night and Good Luck!


Posted: August 7, 2009 in Uncategorized

Welcome to my blog its about the media and its problems its about politics and its problems well bassically its liekt hese talking heads we see on the news shows and their opions well now im giving mine idc if you agree or not! But this time its going to be based form someone who has internent issues aka IS A 733T HAXOR OF TEH NET have fun and let the tubes be with you